Monday, June 9, 2008

11 minutes at an internet cafe

here we go, 10 minutes 50 seconds left, no time to spell check, no time to refine or revise and there's certainly no reason to call this sweat stained terminal out the front of Woolworths a CAFE! But I guess Internet Cafe sounds marginally more appealing than Internet Station of Communal Crapulence!

On the subject of meatballs, I've discovered I don't know how to walk on escalators that aren't working. And I don't think I'm alone... damn, just took a phone call and wasted 2 minutes of my Crapulence credit... Yeah so I approached the inoperable escalator to this very shopping centre knowing full well the fact that the escalator isn't working simply means it's a set of STAIRS. Well whoever is at the controls of my woefully inept body refused to adhere to the navigators sensible instructions and prepared my person for standard escalator boarding procedure. I approached with caution... put my left hand on the rubber railing which of course wasn't moving... put my right foot on the first step which of course wasn't moving... prepared for the mini-momentum adjustment that you do usually in such scenarios, like KnightRider boarding the back of that moving truck (yeah I know the car is called Kit and not Knightrider but I'm trying to relate to the masses...nerd)... and of course once I had committed to the text book escalator boarding procedure, I tripped over nothing but my own idiocy and fell over... fell over on the stationary staircase. You've done it haven't you. Haven't you? Answer me! Answer me before my time runs ou


  1. Escalators, and escalators alone, are the sole reason I believe this civilisation will fail. You Shane, are the first domino that shall prove my theory. Congratulations, ha ha.
